Procera AVH unregulated supplement of choice

Herbal medicine has been around for thousands of years. These days more and more companies try to trump profits in their favor using natural ingredients separating themselves from the prescription only medicine. Procera AVH, the creation of Brain Research Labs is one of these products. The supplement targets mood swings, forgetfulness, sleep loss and other issues associated with aging or increased stress. Presented as a brain rejuvenating and enhancing compound, it is rapidly becoming the go to pill of choice for people who lose confidence in their own mind and body.

Though the product is being advertised as an outcome of many years of research and development involving top neurological specialists, doctors, scientists and cognitive psychologists, actual information on the research is hard to come by. Some tests lead back to obscure or small and non relevant science journals. The most important clinical trial that Procera AVH supposedly underwent has never been disclosed, by lead developer Joshua Reynolds, to the public and this only raises red flags in the medical community.

One of the ingredients used, the Huperzine A moss extract, used intensely in China, is similar to a drug used by most doctors in the attempt of treating Alzheimer’s disease. Doctors that deal with this serious affection on a daily basis have only strong words against Procera AVH as it is, at the best of their knowledge, only giving people false hope and probably encouraging them to stop taking proper treatment. This stand is understandable considering that this herbal supplement is little if not in no way whatsoever regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Hazy labeling also increases the uncertainty factor and drops the products credibility in the eyes of doctors.

Although physicians are not endorsing Procera AVH, and Alzheimer’s patients are taking FDA approved medication, regular middle age people try resort to this type of enhancer at the slightest scare of memory loss or losing focus. With over 50 different supplements such as this on the open market, people definitely have where to choose from.  Most of them are made from the same ingredients like huperzine A, ginkgo biloba and other vitamins and minerals. However, if someone wants to know exactly how much of one thing goes into the final product, the manufacturers of Procera AVH have never disclosed the information, nor have they provided a reason as to why that information cannot be made public.

The non disclosure policy alone, should be concerning for most people.  Adding a complete failure at corroborating the so called data from the trials makes it harder for trusted doctors to recommend such a pill. There is good news for Procera AVH though. Not falling in the drug category means it can be sold without prescription and does not require supervision from the Federal and Drug Administration.

